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Spiegel Relaskop Alat Ukur Dimensi Pohon 

Update Terakhir
09 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
95 kali



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Detail Spiegel Relaskop Alat Ukur Dimensi Pohon 

Spiegel Relaskop : Alat ukur dimensi pohon An sophisticated, compact and robust but expensive instrument for measuring height, diameter, basal area and range. This hand-sized tree measuring instrument features multiple capabilities: Rangefinder measures 33' , 66' , 99' or 132' baselines. Clinometer measures plus or minus vertical angles with readings in degrees or percentage. Dendrometer measures tree diameter outside the bark, at any height. Angle Gauge provides direct measures of basal area per acre. FEATURE Slope Correction Device gives topographic correction when using two chain tape with trailer. Used by foresters since 1954, the Relaskop combines six instruments into one. Saves time and money when cruising timber, variable plotting or Three P sampling. Each unit weighs only 14 oz.; furnished complete with leather case and instructions. American Scale reads In English units ( sq. ft./ acre, inches, feet) for BAF 5, 10, 20 and 40. Also includes a 66' slope correction scale. Ideal for use on trees smaller than 96" dbh. SPECIFICATION General instruction for use of the Relaskop for measuring diameter: 1. Measure the desired horizontal distance ( H metres) from the base of the tree ( or point directly beneath the desired tree site) to a location where the required point ( eg change in diameter) can be seen. Note that you must be at least 5 m away for every 20 cm anticipated diameter. 2. Sight at the required point, while holding the break button to allow the scales to freely rotate. 3. Read from the diameter scale once the scale has settled the number of large bands ( with the number 1 printed on them) ( L) ; the number of small bands ( 4 narrow bands immediately to the right of the large 1 band) ( S) ; and an estimate of any fractional small band ( s) . Estimate the fractions of the small band as 0.2 ( just into the band) , 0.4 ( almost half) , 0.6 ( just over half) , 0.8 ( amost full narrow band) . 4. Diameter is calculated as d ( cm) = H* ( L+ 0.25* ( S+ s) ) * 2 5. Check to ensure the diameter appears correct. Note that L will be 0 or 1, S will be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and s will be a fraction less than 1.0.


mail :

Hub : Izar Halky

Hp : 0856 932 99100

Hp : 0813 1688 0512

Pin BB : 2BA3A340


Alamat Pusat : Jl. Muhasyim No. 25 Larangan Indah - Ciledug - Tangerang


Cabang Surabaya. Jl.Gubeng Airlangga 3 N0.62.Surabaya: Kode pos 60286


Cabang Yogyakarta :Jl. Panji Joseno RT03/11 No.74e. AmbarKetawang Gamping Lor,Gamping Sleman - Yogyakarta 55294 (15menit Dari Malioboro)


Unit yang kami sediakan meliputi :


GPS ( General Positioning System) :

1. GPS Mapping Handheld dan GPS Geodetic ( GIS)

2. GPS Navigasi

3. GPS Tracking

4. Fish Finder

5. Dll.

Produk di support oleh Garmin, Trimble, Spectra, Javad dan Magellan.


Alat Geology :

1. Hammer

2. Compass

3. Rain Gauge Manual, Otomatis, OBS

4. Gelas Ukur Standard BMG

5. Rain Book ( Rite In The Rain)

6. Flagging Tape

7. Magnetic Pen Pocket dan Magnetic Pen Scriber

8. Luph / Magnifiers

9. Altimeter

10. Clinometer

11. Dll.

Produk di support oleh Brunton, Suunto, Estwing dan Silva.

Alat Survey :

1. Digital Theodolite

2. Total Station

3. Waterpass / Automatic Level

4. Distometer

5. Dll.

Produk di support oleh Nikon, Topcon, south, Horizon, Sokkia dan Leica.


Adventure :

1. Teropong

2. Perahu Karet

3. Banana Boat

4. Flying Fish

5. Kayak

6. Dll.

Produk di support oleh Bushnell, Nikon, Steiner, Celestron, Intex, Avon dan Zebec.


Telekomunikasi Satellite :

1. Telephone Satellite

2. Terminal Sattelit

3. HT

4. Radio RIG

5. Dll.

Produk di support oleh Ericsson, Thuraya, Inmarsat, Iridium, Bgan, Motorola, Alinco, Icom, Kenwood, Suicom dan Yaesu.


Aksesoris :

1. Meteran

2. Pengukur Sudut

3. Rambu Ukur

4. Almunium Tripod

5. Prisma Pole

6. Single Prisma


7. Dll

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